Computer Programming, Coding, 3D Printing, Animation, Video Game Design, Building in Minecraft, Scratch, Python, Java and Graphic Design Classes Begin in Westchester County on January 21, 2017

Let’s face it — kids can take a Scratch Programming class in many different places throughout Westchester County, or do the Hour of Code from home. There are a million and one ways to learn about 3D printing, computer programming or animation. You get the picture… And so do we.

But there’s the thing: experience. Meaningful learning is all about the experience. Knowledge retention happens when a person can put emotion behind the skills they learn.

Think about driving. Someone can show you or tell you how to drive all day long while you’re in the passenger’s seat, but until you get in the driver’s seat, get your hands on the wheel, put on your blinker, run over a few curbs and get pulled over for speeding, you really don’t learn very much. (We don’t encourage speeding, by the way! It was a metaphor…)

At the DAE, students drive. They get their hands on the tech. They try to go too fast and run into problems. We teach our kids about failure and how not to panic when something goes wrong — about how glitches are good because they teach us what we need to fix. We encourage thoughtfulness and problem solving, discussion and thinking outside the box.

Our world is so fast. It’s easy to throw information at people (especially kids) and expect them to get it. (Those kids with their iPads just know how to do all the things!) Classes at the DAE are different. They’re inclusive. They’re project-based. And they’re fun! We invite you to visit us and find out why.

Winter classes begin this weekend! January 21, 2017.

Visit us:

Email us:

Call us: 914-644-8100

Adult Tech & Computer Classes at The DAE in Westchester

The DAE isn’t just for kids.

Adult Tech & Computer Classes at The DAE in Westchester

Based on recent feedback and newly designed curriculum, we’re happy to announce that we will be running classes for adults this Fall! Course topics range from:

  • Creating a Website

  • DSLR Photography

  • Intro to 3D Printing

  • Intro to Programming with Python

  • Video Editing

Learn more about the classes and view our full schedule:


The Digital Arts Experience of Westchester County is offering adult programs this Fall.

STEM & Tech summer camp in Westchester Open House June 18th

Join The Digital Arts Experience Thursday, June 18th anytime between 5-7PM for Open House showcasing our fun and exciting summer STEM and tech programs for kids and teens in Westchester County.

Our facility will be set up like a trade show with instructors ready to talk about different programs and showcase past student work. Sign up during Open House and receive 10% off of your summer enrollment.

The Digital Arts Experience aims to provide a unique opportunity for the kids & teens of the Westchester, Rockland and Fairfield communities to explore the world of creative technology, digital art, STEM related fields and more!

Our programs are goal oriented and focus on hands on learning so each and every student will complete his or her class with incredible original work that can go towards creating a portfolio.

We strive to expose our students to the digital world in order to help them discover new talents and possible career paths.

E-mail to RSVP for Open House!

Join us for Open House on June 18th to learn more about our Summer STEM & tech programs!

Join us for Open House on June 18th to learn more about our Summer STEM & tech programs!

The Digital Arts Experience
170 Hamilton Ave, Suite 100
White Plains, NY 10601
(914) 644-8100

YouTube Channel:

The Digital Arts Experience Summer STEM 2015 in Westchester

Learn about The Digital Arts Experience’s summer STEM and tech camp courses in ‪‎Westchester‬ County from President Rob Kissner.

Visit to learn more!

The Digital Arts Experience summer STEM courses in Westchester County from President Rob Kissner.

The Digital Arts Experience
170 Hamilton Ave, Suite 100
White Plains, NY 10601
(914) 644-8100
The Digital Arts Experience aims to provide a unique opportunity for the kids & teens of the Westchester, Rockland and Fairfield communities to explore the world of creative technology, digital art, STEM related fields and more!

Our programs are goal oriented and focus on hands on learning so each and every student will complete his or her class with incredible original work that can go towards creating a portfolio.

We strive to expose our students to the digital world in order to help them discover new talents and possible career paths.

YouTube Channel:

STUDENT SPOTLIGHT – “My Experience at The DAE”, Victoria H., Age 11

August 21st, 2014- White Plains, NY, The Digital Arts Experience Inc. (The DAE) provides After School, Summer and School Break tech programs for kids and teens in Westchester County that are both educational and fun!

For this entry, Cristina asked Summer Camp helper Victoria to answer a few questions about her past, present and future thoughts on The Digital Arts Experience. Her answers are listed below.

After School & Saturday programs for kids & teens in Westchester County at The Digital Arts Experience in White Plains

2D Flash Animation student work from Summer 2014 camps: After School & Saturday programs for kids & teens in Westchester County at The Digital Arts Experience in White Plains.


Q. In your own words, what is the Digital Arts Experience?

A. The Digital Arts Experience is a creative environment for everyone. It is an amazing place for you to create digital items. Whether you want to create a website, direct your own movie or program a video game, the Digital Arts Experience is the place for you!

Summer Programs programs for kids & teens in Westchester County at The Digital Arts Experience in White Plains

Instructor Matt Lewis showcasing student work. Summer Programs programs for kids & teens in Westchester County at The Digital Arts Experience in White Plains run all the way through the end of August.


Q. Why do you like the DAE?

A. I like the Digital Arts Experience for many reasons. I love to work with the staff. They help me with my work, and they are just so awesome! Also, when it comes to the digital world, the possibilities are endless! 3D Printing, Music production, animation, even game programming–they have it all!

Print your own objects! 3D Printing and Scanning programs for kids & teens in Westchester County at The Digital Arts Experience in White Plains

Print your own objects! 3D Printing and Scanning programs for kids & teens in Westchester County at The Digital Arts Experience in White Plains


Q. What are some things you’ve learned at the DAE?

A. I learned so many things at the DAE. I learned how to make a movie with special effects, how to create my own music, and I even learned how to cross reality with animation!


Q. How do you think the DAE has helped kids and technology?

A. The DAE has taught kids many things. In all the classes I’ve ever taken, each kid there would learn something new. Whether it was learning how to do stop motion or how to make hilarious scenery, we would all learn something really cool. The teachers taught us how to make many things with certain software. (Final Cut Pro X, AfterEffects, Photoshop and more) And now that I know, I use it every day!

Parents, guardians, friends and family gather around for the Student Showcase, where students display the work they've created during camp and classes.

Parents, guardians, friends and family gather around for the Student Showcase, where students display the work they’ve created during camp and classes.


Q. What do you see in the future for the DAE?

A. I see many things in store at the DAE. I have a feeling it will become very popular. In my vision, the DAE will be well known for amazing classes. Whether it’s learning how to 3D print or how to create a music composition, I see great things for the DAE.

The Digital Arts Experience staff - 6 of whom recently received CPR, AED & First Aid certification includes Rob Kissner, President & CEO, Cristina Calabrese, Director of Operations & Co-Founder, Emily Angell, Scratch Instructor & Event Planner, Jess Hachigian, Director of Community Relations, Nick Sceusa, 3D Animation guru & Celina Bertoncini, Animation, 3D Printing & Scratch summer instructor.

The Digital Arts Experience staff – 6 of whom recently received CPR, AED & First Aid certification includes Rob Kissner, President & CEO, Cristina Calabrese, Director of Operations & Co-Founder, Emily Angell, Scratch Instructor & Event Planner, Jess Hachigian, Director of Community Relations, Nick Sceusa, 3D Animation guru & Celina Bertoncini, Animation, 3D Printing & Scratch summer instructor.

To view the schedule of classes for the upcoming Fall, check out:

For questions or comments, feel free to send us an e-mail at

The Digital Arts Experience

170 Hamilton Avenue, Suite 100

White Plains NY, 10601

(914) 644-8100

Summer Tech Camp Westchester NY – (914) 644 – 8100, The Digital Arts Experience

Summer Tech Camp Westchester NY – (914) 644 – 8100, The Digital Arts Experience

Join us for our SUMMER TECH CAMP!

The Summer Programs at The DAE are all about having fun while working hands on with the most up to date digital tools and technologies.  From 3D Animation to 3D Printing, Computer Programming to Digital Photography, and so much more, we offer some of the most unique summer programming in Westchester, Fairfield & Rockland Counties.

Our programs are 100% hands-on, so each and every student will have their own computer workstation.  With our small and interactive classrooms, each and every student will have the help and attention they need to fulfill their projects along with their experience here at The DAE.  Best of all, each student will complete his or her program with original work that shows off his or her new skills!

With half day and full day sessions and 1-week and 2-week programs that run all summer, we are sure to have a program that works with your schedule!

Join us for our OPEN HOUSE May 22nd and stop by anytime between 4:00pm and 8:00pm!

Click here to register!

The Digital Arts Experience

170 Hamilton Ave suite 100

White Plains, NY 10601




Big Brothers, Big Sisters

Instructor Jeff presents his students' work at the end of the session.

Instructor Jeff presents his students’ work at the end of the session.

Last month, fourteen teens, ages 12-15, joined us through the Big Brothers, Big Sisters (BBBS) program to learn Web Design! BBBS is a program run through the Family Services of Westchester to provide children and teens (“Littles”) facing adversity with an adult (“Bigs”) mentor who do fun activities together.

The teens spent two weeks in our Web Design intensive class at The DAE with instructor Jeff, learning how to create their own original websites. Using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, the kids were able to design their web templates. Jeff taught them how to build and code the websites start to finish by teaching them basic HTML/CSS. At the end of the two weeks, the kids presented their websites and amazed us all with their fully functioning sites and creativity!

We at The DAE were so excited to share this time with BBBS and we look forward to hosting them again soon!

Rob’s Tech Tip of the Week

Rob's Tech Tip of the Week

If you have interest in manipulating images but are not interested in spending tons of money on Photoshop (not to mention learning the very complicated program) try Pixelmator. Pixelmator is $15 and is a super simple image manipulation program. It is easy to learn, simple to use and provides many of the same functions as photoshop. It takes a lot of the techie complicated stuff out of editing images!

Spring in Westchester

The weather is slowly getting warmer. It is staying light out longer. Flowers are starting to bloom, and birds are chirping. Spring in Westchester is on the horizon. When it comes to Spring, people think of rebirth, revitalization, new beginnings, a fresh start. Why not use this Spring as an opportunity to try something new, or really focus on an interest that you’ve always wanted to learn more about?

Starting the second week of April, The Digital Arts Experience in White Plains is offering a wonderful array of classes ranging from Digital Photography to Blogging Tips & Tricks. Each class meets once a week, for 2 hours, and runs for 4 weeks total. Our classes run at a maximum of 6 people, and are all hands on and goal oriented. So, each attendee receives the personalized, individual attention that they deserve and apply what they learn immediately.

Take a look at the image listed below for all of the information regarding the classes offered:

The Digital Arts Experience Adult Class Schedule April 2013

To register/fill out an interest form, refer to:

Feel free to send an e-mali to or give us a call at 914-644-8100 for more information!

Emphasis on the ‘Experience’ of Connected Learning

A Day in the Life of an Audio Production student at The Digital Arts Experience.

by Emily Angell, audio engineer and instructor at The DAE – August 30th, 2012


Emily Angell demos recording with Rob Kissner, at The Digital Arts Experience

The concept of connected learning implies that a student grows through being an active participant in his or her learning experience, instead of just a recipient of information.  It also implies that the burden of teaching lies with an interconnected network of people surrounding the student, instead of his or her teacher alone.  One of the goals of Digital Arts Experience (nice name guys!) is to implement this process. Picture this scenario:

My student (we’ll call him Joe Shmo) comes to me with a project in mind.  He is a junior who wants to create a guitar recording to help him get into a Jazz Studies program in college.  We begin the class with the basics, and I show my students (there are never more than six) a PowerPoint presentation (with several YouTube clips embedded) about the recording process.  I give them a quick tutorial of how to make a home demo using Garage Band, and have them do a one-minute group project using the technique.

Meanwhile, Joe must make a decision on what to record.  He must practice.  When he goes home he plays a couple of songs for his mother, who gives him helpful feedback on his timing.  Then he does a quick recording of the songs he’s chosen, uploads them to SoundCloud, and posts them to Facebook.  He asks his friends and family to vote on the selection they think is best.  His uncle sends him a helpful article on a finger-picking technique that would work better in the B section of the first song.  After receiving the feedback, he’s decided which tune he will record, and returns to us to make it happen.

Here at The DAE, he must go into the live room to set up his own amp and microphones, connect cables in the correct manner, and warm up so that he’s ready.  If he doesn’t know how to do something (which happens quite frequently), he has to ask.  A member of his class is in the control room manning the console and operating Logic.  She must record-arm tracks within the software and check that the sound levels aren’t too high or distorting.  Someone else must communicate with Joe, who is on the other side of the glass. “Miss, how do I get him to hear me?” one student asks.  I don’t say a word.  “Press that button to your right, it’s called the talkback.” says another student – connected learning at its finest!

Joe finishes his recording.  He’s got a great-sounding project.  Then, I send him to our Photography department, where the students there take some amazing photos of him.  He brings his photos to the Graphic Design department, where the students there create a professional-looking package for his demo CD.  At the end of it all, a student from the film department records and edits a simple music video of Joe playing his song live, so that he can put it online and link it to his college applications.  And voilà! Mission accomplished, and then some.

The moral of this story is this: I did not teach Joe how to record.  Instead, we at The DAE provided an environment in which the people in his network could support his quest to record the perfect demo.  Parties involved included his mother, his Facebook friends, his uncle, his fellow classmates, and the photography, graphic design, and film departments within The Digital Arts Experience.  In addition, he was able to use resources such as PowerPoint, YouTube, SoundCloud, GarageBand, Logic, Final Cut, and Photoshop.

In essence, the process of connected learning is exactly as it sounds.  It is the concept of evolving by being connected to those around us, as well as being invested in what we are learning and teaching.  Those are the concepts we’re trying to foster here… one experience at a time.